The machines that we have in MEBSA, need a stable working temperature to be able to work more accurately and that the expansions due to the temperature do not affect the final result of the turning and milling processes.
MECANITZATS EUDALD BURGAYA SALA, S.L. we are located in Osona, in a region of the province of Barcelona that has a climate with a fairly abrupt oscillation of temperatures, with a lot of cold in winter and a lot of heat in summer. These temperature changes affect the final dimensions of our pieces and it is for this reason that we have conditioned the work area of our latest acquisition the HERMLE C32.
Following our environmental policy that we are implementing of ISO14001:2015 we have adjusted the workspace of the HERMLE C32 machine by closing it with an insulating cover together with an internal temperature regulation system. In the photographs you can see part of the process of conditioning the work area carried out at the beginning of this year 2022. This decision has meant an economic improvement since it has allowed us to drastically reduce fuel consumption and at the same time contribute to the environment.
MEBSA is still committed to quality and precision in our clients’ projects and if you are interested you can contact us using the form on our website or by calling Tel. +34 93 889 47 76. We will be delighted to collaborate with you to solve your needs.